Add New Chapter Page

Add the language of the new chapter.

If required.

Add language

Step 1

On the Hacking Health dashboard (, go to Languages > Languages.

Add new language

Step 2

Using the drop-down menu: Choose a language, choose the language you want to add.

The other fields will be filled automatically.

Click on “add new language”.

Create a new primary menu

If required.

Appearance - Menu

Step 1

On the Hacking Health dashboard (, go to Appearance > Menus.

Step 2

Add the menu

Click on “Create a new menu”.

Enter the name of the menu in the “Menu Name” field.

Click on “Create Menu”.

Step 3

Choose the menu location

In the : “Menu Settings -> Display location”, choose the language corresponding to “Primary Navigation”.

Menu location

Step 4

Add tabs to the menu

You can add an existing page through the “Pages” tab of the left box, or add a tab with a custom link.

  • To add a page, click on the “Pages” tab, check the page to add and click on “Add to Menu”.
  • To add a custom link, click on the “Custom Links” tab.
    Enter the URL in the “URL” field and the name of the tab in the “Link Text” field.
    Click on “Add to Menu”.

The tab will appear in the “Structure Menu”. You can move the order of the tabs by clicking and dragging the tab where you want.

Click on “Save Menu” when done.

Add tab menu

Change name tab

Change the name of a tab.

Open the tab whose name you want to change in the “Structure Menu” section.

Change the field name: “Navigation Label”.

Click the “Save Menu” button (top right).

Add the event category for a new country.

If required.

Add event category

Step 1

On the Hacking Health dashboard (, go to Events > Categories.

Add country category

Step 2

If the category of the country has not been created, this category must be added before creating the category of the new city.

In the section: “Add New Event Category”, enter the name corresponding to the country.

In the “Slug” field, enter the name of the country in lower case.

Then select the language from the drop-down menu: “Language”.

Click on “Add New Event Category”.

Add the event category for a new city.

Add category

Step 1

In the section: “Add New Event Category”, enter the name of the new city in the form: HACKING HEALTH – [City].

In the “Slug” field, enter the name in lower case, in this form: hacking-health-city.

From the drop-down menu: “Parent Event Category”, select the country of the new city.

Then select the language from the drop-down menu: “Language”.

Click on “Add New Event Category”.

Add the team department of the new city

Add staff departement

Step 1

On the Hacking Health dashboard (, go to Staff > Departments.

Add new departments

Step 2

In the section: “Add New Department”, enter the name of the new city in the form: HH – [City].

In the “Slug” field, enter the name in lower case, in this form: hh-city.

Then select the language from the drop-down menu: “Language”.

Click on “Add New Department”.

Add the new chapter page

Pages - All pages

Step 1

On the Hacking Health dashboard (, go to Pages > All Pages.

Note : You can also click on Pages to access the list of all the pages.

Step 2

Clone the chapter template page.
Choose the template according to the language. (English, French, Spanish or Portuguese.)

Clone page

Step 3

Change the title of the page for the name of the city of the chapter.

Then edit the permalink with the same name. (you can copy / past)

Choose the language associated with the chapter, in the box on the right: Languages.


Step 4

Edit header.

Edit the country and the city.

Modify header image if needed:

Edit header

Step 5

Edit the chapter menu.


Change the name of the city and click “Save Changes”.

Note: You don’t need to edit the links of the others tabs.

Step 6

Edit the “About” section.

Change the name of the city, the subtitle and the description.

Modify the links of the buttons “Twitter”, “Facebook” and “Contact”.

By default :


Step 7

Edit the “Events” section.



Modify the “category-slug” with the slug of the event category of the chapter city. (Created previously with the category.)

Click on “Save changes”.

Event slug

Now click on the “Past Events” tab and replace: “category-slug” with the slug of the event category of the chapter city.

Click on “Save changes”.

Where is the slug?

The slug was created at the same time as the category.

To find the name of the slug, you can go to the menu of the dashboard: Events -> Event Categories.

Find your category in the list.

The slug is in the “slug” column.

Step 8

Edit the “Team” section.

Edit staff list.

Edit staff list

Using the drop-down menu, select the list corresponding to the chapter team.

Choose staff list

Click on “Save changes”.

Add the new chapter in the page: All Chapters.

Once in the page: All Chapters, go to the country corresponding to the chapter.

Clone the name of an exixtante city.

Change the name of the city to the name of the new chapter.

Modify the link for the new chapter.

Click on “Save changes”.

If the country does not exist, clone the title and the “Ruler divider”, and change the title of the country by the new one.

Clone chapter name

Valérie DoréAdd a New Chapter