All posts tagged: Healthcare Innovative Prototypes


Último encontro presencial de 2019 dos voluntários do grupo de trabalho que está desenvolvendo os protótipos de triagem e atendimento das crianças em SC.
– levar notebook (se possível)
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Hacking Health BrasilHHCAFÉ COM PANETONE GTShriners
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Hacking Health Camp


Look at last edition’s video

Health professionals, patients, developers, designers, entrepreneurs, … together to co-create innovative prototypes in healthcare.

After a morning of conferences on future of health and an afternoon of workshops on new technologies in healthcare you will start the hackathon.
A hackathon is a rapid prototyping solutions marathon build by multi-disciplinary team. Join a team or submit a project and share a unique experience to imagine the future of healthcare. Event is open to everyone who want to change the world of healthcare !
Register Now ! Submit a project !

Submit a challenge

A challenge is a healthcare problem that could be resolved by a hardware or software digital solution or both.

Topic could be : medical record, open data, care delivery, hospital-city link, mobile health, quantified-self, aging, patient empowerment, patient engagement

Challenge owner presents his project on friday evening in 1 mn and then look for a team.

You can look for a team before the event by using the sparkboard or recruit yourself attendees.

Challenge can be submit whenever you want before event started. More early is better to help attendees understand your project.

Partners give us tools, devices, data and services to help you implement your solutions.

To submit your challenge you need to subscribe to the event and then on the sparkboard.

Find your team

Before subscribe you may exchange with challenge owner and other attendees, via the sparkboard or by coming to our Hacking Health Coffee.

To be informed on next Hacking Health Coffee, subscribe to the mailing-list

It’s on friday evening, after challenge’s owners pitch, team will be official

Rules and IP

There’s a rule and a code of conduct for the hackathon. In brief all stuff realized during the hackathon is open-source but you can choose to do otherwise by asking the team before.
However IP is not a question here : IDEAS DON’T WORTH, ALL IS ABOUT EXECUTION. This event is a new way to learn and collaborate, let’s share your ideas and listen to others. If you find something interesting there’s a long way to success where we can help you with Hacking Health Accelerator and Health Factory.
3 Mentions honorables

attribué par 3 jurés pour récompenser un projet sur un aspect du projet, le jugement sera fait en direct avec une note et un commentaire du jurés après chaque pitch

Meilleur potentiel de réussite

Critères : Capacité de projet à continuer, potentiel sur le marché de la santé, qualité de l’équipe et de la présentation

Juge : Franck Ohrel

Franck Ohrel

Meilleure innovation santé

Critères : Aspect innovant de la solution proposée, impact sur le système de soins, niveau technique du prototype réalisé et ouverture du code (open source)

Juge : Luc Soler

Luc Soler

Meilleure solution pour les patients

Critères : Apport, intérêt et prise en compte des patients dans la solution proposée

Juge : Muriel Londres

Miss Londres

Le prix des coachs

Un prix spécial décerné par les coachs pour le projet qu’ils voudront tous ensemble promouvoir


Prix sponsors

attribué par le sponsor en rapport avec la thématique qu’il soumet

[normal-prize image=”2016/09/Eli_Lilly_and_Company.svg_.png” link=”” title=”Prix Lilly”]

« Le patient acteur de sa prise en charge »

Juge : Naji Gehchan

Naji Gehchan

  • Médiatisation du projet lauréat sur le site internet de Lilly et les réseaux sociaux
  • Coaching par une personne de chez Lilly pendant un an
  • Session brainstorming d’une demi-journée à l’occasion d’un Innovation Lab (incubateur interne Lilly)

[normal-prize image=”2016/09/logo_ASIP.jpg” link=”” title=”Prix ASIP Santé”]

L’intéropérabilité avec le système de soins

Juge : Pascale Sauvage

L’impact d’une solution innovante en santé dépendra beaucoup de sa capacité à s’intégrer dans le système de soins et à respecter les contraintes réglementaire. Allier innovation, existant et réglementation est difficile et l’ASIP souhaite récompenser la solution qui aura montré sa détermination à s’emparer de ces sujets dans la suite de son projet.

Récompenses :

  • Coaching des équipes techniques et juridiques de l’ASIP
  • Présentation du projet aux équipes de l’ASIP
  • Communication sur le projet dans le réseau de l’ASIP


Prix Health Factory

accompagnement du projet attribué par la structure partenaire en rapport avec le potentiel de l’équipe et du projet avec le soutien et l’expertise de Health Factory

[normal-prize class=”bonus” image=”2016/09/logo_LJN-5-200×125.png” link=”” title=”Prix La Javaness”]

Juge : Guillaume Lerouge

Guillaume Lerouge

La Javaness, accélérateur d’innovation numérique, crée des ponts pour connecter start-up et grands groupes et contribue ainsi à bâtir l’Europe numérique. La Javaness assure le rôle de tiers de confiance pour mettre en place et sécuriser des partenariats gagnant-gagnant avec les grands groupes de tous les secteurs d’activité.

En tant que partenaire de Hacking Health, La Javaness offre au vainqueur de l’édition 2016 l’opportunité d’intégrer gratuitement pendant 3 mois son programme d’accélération. Au sein de La Javaness, l’équipe bénéficie d’un accompagnement full-stack et sur-mesure portant sur l’ensemble des problématiques business et technologiques :

  • Hébergement au Remix coworking, communauté d’entrepreneurs et de créatifs, en plein coeur du Silicon Sentier à Paris
  • 0,5 jour / semaine d’accompagnement lean startup par un Startup Hacker
  • 1 jour / semaine d’expertise digitale (UX, Data, Growth hacking, IT)
  • 3 sessions de mentoring par des entrepreneurs inspirants
  • Accès aux plateformes d’expérimentation UX, Devops et Big Data
  • Accès aux partenariats comptables, juridiques et RH

Intégrer le programme de La Javaness en sortie de Hacking Health, c’est la garantie de développer un MVP confronté à son marché et d’obtenir un accès inédit aux grands groupes du secteur de la santé pour accélérer l’acquisition clients.

[col md=”6″ sm=”6″]
[normal-prize class=”bonus” image=”2016/01/logo_semia.png” link=”” title=”Prix SEMIA”]

Juge : Michel Hussher

Michel Hussher

« Starter Class », la prépa des créateurs d’entreprises innovantes.
Pour aider les entrepreneurs innovants à mâturer leur projet, leur BP et optimiser leurs chances de réussite, SEMIA a imaginé ce programme s’étalant sur 5 mois (3 à 4j/mois) avec un double objectif :

  • Aider les « start—uppers » à structurer leur offre autour de propositions de valeur clairement identifiées
  • Développer leurs compétences entrepreneuriales

[col md=”6″ sm=”6″]
[normal-prize class=”bonus” image=”2016/09/ABA-logo.jpg” link=”” title=”Prix Association des business angels d’Alsace”]

Juge : Sébastien Derivaux

  • présentation à une plénière
  • coaching sur les aspects stratégique et financier

[col md=”6″ sm=”6″]
[normal-prize class=”bonus” image=”2016/09/logo-sml.png” link=”” title=”Prix du Syndicat des Médecins Libéraux”]

Juge : Sophie Bauer

Sophie Bauer

Association pour la défense, la reconnaissance et la valorisation de l’ensemble des médecins libéraux Français, qu’ils soient généralistes, spécialistes ou à expertises particulières, de secteurs 1 et 2.

  • accès au réseau du syndicat pour diffuser le projet
  • accès au réseau du syndicat pour expérimenter le projet avec des professionnels de santé




organized by health factory
in collaboration with french-tech-alsace


Hacking Health StrasbourgHacking Health Camp
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Hacking Health Camp – Hackathon


Look at last edition’s video

Health professionals, patients, developers, designers, entrepreneurs, … together to co-create innovative prototypes in healthcare.

A hackathon is a rapid prototyping solutions marathon build by team. Join a team or submit a project and share a unique experience to imagine the future of healthcare. Event is open to everyone who want to change the world of healthcare !
Register Now ! Submit a project !

Submit a challenge

A challenge is a healthcare problem that could be resolved by a hardware or software digital solution or both.

Topic could be : medical record, open data, care delivery, hospital-city link, mobile health, quantified-self, aging, patient empowerment, patient engagement

Challenge owner presents his project on friday evening in 1 mn and then look for a team.

You can look for a team before the event by using the sparkboard or recruit yourself attendees.

Challenge can be submit whenever you want before event started. More early is better to help attendees understand your project.

Partners give us tools, devices, data and services to help you implement your solutions.

To submit your challenge you need to subscribe to the event and then on the sparkboard.

This year our partner GET (Global eHealth Transforming services) identify unmet needs in the Health space that can be solved with the use of technology. That is, “market gaps” where seems there are not enough IT solutions and, therefore, can become business opportunities for eHealth entrepreneurs and companies

[col md=”6″]

Find your team

Before subscribe you may exchange with challenge owner and other attendees, via the sparkboard or by coming to our Hacking Health Coffee.

To be informed on next Hacking Health Coffee, subscribe to the mailing-list

It’s on friday evening, after challenge’s owners pitch, team will be official

Rules and IP

There’s a rule and a code of conduct for the hackathon. In brief all stuff realized during the hackathon is open-source but you can choose to do otherwise by asking the team before.
However IP is not a question here : IDEAS DON’T WORTH, ALL IS ABOUT EXECUTION. This event is a new way to learn and collaborate, let’s share your ideas and listen to others. If you find something interesting there’s a long way to success where we can help you with Hacking Health Accelerator and Hacking Health Factory.

Honorables Mentions

assign by the jury to reward a project on a topic

> Health solution most likely to succeed
> Best innovation
> Best solution for healthcare collaboration

> Best solution targeting clinics
> Most innovative health solution
> Best solution targeting hospital

> Best solution for healthcare system
> Best health education solution
> Hacking Health choice award
> People’s choice award

Prix sponsors

assign by the sponsor on his topic


Health innovation for patient

This award reflect our will to help developping solutions and services across the drug for patients empowerment.
Award :

  • project promotion on
  • pitch project internally in front of the innovation community of Sanofi France
  • half day coaching and mentoring on the project with Sanofi experts

Improving patient results

At Medtronic, we think technologies, data and our common expertise with our partners can help create new model of care, optimized and value based, able to improve results for patients as reducing costs.

Award :

  • Web site (external and internal) and social network promotion
  • 10h coaching with Medtronic ressources
  • Half day brainstorming session with Medtronic experts
  • Product promotion on booth in congress where Medtronic expose

Asset performance management award : GE Healthcare aim to improve XRay management for the patient all along his healthcare path. For example an app to manage waiting room by using usable and administrative data and machine learning.

Award :

  • team coaching by GE Healthcare experts : 5 days/expert
  • pitch to Asset Performance Management business unit
  • connections and follow-up for experimentation in hospitals
  • access to the market: get in touch with customers

Health innovation to improve patient experience between two hospital care visits
This award target our priority to create innovation for patient quality of life improvement and answers to unmet needs in healthcare.

Award :

  • project promotion ( website, public and internal meetings of Head of Innovation team)
  • pitch at internal Roche Lab event and internal communication to the enterprise
  • 2 half day of coaching and advising to follow-up project and make external relationships

Topic : prevention and therapeutic education

The main mission of Humanis is to offer a better quality of life to everyone. It mainly supports vulnerable people (health, unemployment, handicap, widowerhood, dependency)

Award :

  • provision of resources and expertise (legal, financier, relationship)
  • improve the visibility via external communication actions of the group Humanis
  • presentation of the project to the management team of Humanis is the partner for health and well-being of users, the site meets monthly average of 7,000,000 unique visitors. Doctissimo offers both expert information and dialogue spaces where 3 million members of the community gather to exchange. Doctissimo’s prize will be awarded to patient oriented innovative solution, illustrating the best brand signature “Live well every day”.

Award :
Doctissimo will relay the award on its website and promote the winner’s solution!


Prix Hacking Health Factory

project support assign by a partner based on team and project power to succeed with the help and expertise of Hacking Health Factory

La Javaness, accelerator for digital innovations, create bridges between big player and startups and contribute to build the digital Europe. La Javaness take care to build and secure partnership with big players in all domains.

As a Hacking Health partner, La Javaness give access to the acceleration program. You will have full-stack and dedicated follow-up on all business and technologies issues :

  • Hosting at Remix coworking, entrepreneur community in Silicon Sentier Paris
  • 0,5 day / week lean startup follow-up with a Startup Hacker
  • 1 day / week digital expert (UX, Data, Growth hacking, IT)
  • 3 mentoring sessions with insightful entrepreneurs
  • technical experimentation platform access UX, Devops and Big Data
  • accountability, legal and HR resources with our partners

Integrate La Javaness program after the hackathon is the guarantee to build an MVP that fit your market and access to big player in healthcare to accelerate customer acquisition.

ekito, the french company builder, recruits startups, entrepreneurs and changemakers.We work in an authentic lean startup way, to fastforward your project. We generally save 3 to 6 months to projects.

ekito is the right place to experiment, validate, build and groooooooooooooooow. We have access to a large ecosystem of infrastructures to test assumptions and validate a product/market fit.

As a Hacking Health partner, ekito will boost your project by providing mentoring and hosting to your team. We will also introduce you to some industry leaders for business development purpose

bwcon IoT prize will be awarded to the most innovative project making use of the Internet of Things. The winning team will get exclusive access to the coaching programme of the IoT Accelerator Arena42 based in Stuttgart. It comprises 8 Coaching Days covering Business Modeling, Marketing, Design, IPR, Legal and Pretotyping at an overall value of 6.000 Euro.

« Starter Class », la prépa des créateurs d’entreprises innovantes.
Pour aider les entrepreneurs innovants à mâturer leur projet, leur BP et optimiser leurs chances de réussite, SEMIA a imaginé ce programme s’étalant sur 6 mois (3j/mois) avec un double objectif:

  • Aider les « start—uppers » à structurer leur offre autour de propositions de valeur clairement identifiées
  • Développer leurs compétences entrepreneuriales

With Rockstart Digital Health build, validate and scale your digital health startup and find the best international product/market fit.
Award :
2-4 hours of one-on-one coaching with Rockstart Digital Health Program Director : Maarten De Braber

Angels Santé : business angels in healthcare, Ayming healthcare consultants, and De Gaulle Fleurance & Associés lawyers healthcare specialist award is:

  • pitch session on a plenary session of Angels Santé
  • coaching from Ayming :
    • newsletter communication for the winner
    • website communication
    • invitation on event organized by Ayming during the year with pitch session
    • morning consulting session by our Innovation & Sub team to analyse fund raising opportunity
    • 3 meetings with Ayming customer’s company in healthcare
    • free meeting room for 1 meeting with a potential customer organize by the startup everywhere in the world where Ayming has offices.
    • webinar with your customer during one organize by Ayming on healthcare (usually october)
  • coaching from De Gaulle Fleurance & Associés : 2 hours brainstorming meeting in our office in Paris with 2 lawyers specialized in innovation to help the team in building and validating legal aspects of the project. Also a special communication on the project in our network.

RV dans les jours suivant le hackathon pour étudier le projet et les financements

Hacking Health > StrasbourgHacking Health Camp 2016 > Conferences | Training | HackathonPress | FAQ


Pitch Clinics

Damien Rillard & Stephane Becker

Pitchs training session

Design Clinics

La Fabrique de l’hospitalité

Design Thinking workshop – prepare your project

Sébastien LetéliéLuc Sirois


Hacking Health : Sébastien LetéliéLuc Sirois


Innovate to improve patient’s quality of life

Isabelle Vitali – Innovation and Alliances Development Director

Pascal Desfarges


Pascal Desfarges

Hacker, remixer, innover par ceux qui vivent, produisent, et inventent la santé de demain

Grand Amphithéâtre de la Fac de médecine


Hacking Health StrasbourgHacking Health Camp – Hackathon
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Hacking Health Camp – Conferences


See last edition conferences videos

Inspiring and forward-thinking conferences on the future of health

Presented by a line up of internationally-recognized health mentors : renowned health professionals, entrepreneurs, policy makers and philosophers bring inspiration to us by discussing their vision of future of health.

Startups contest

Coming from all Europe, health startups will pitch their projects.
Just like crowdfunding, each attendee of the audience will be given a fake banknotes of 500€ and will be asked to put their money on their favorite startups.

Hacking Health > StrasbourgHacking Health Camp 2016 > Conferences | Training | HackathonPress | FAQ


Live translation available for all conferences between English and French (ask for your headphones at registration)



Sébastien LetéliéLuc Sirois

Introduction (EN)

Hacking Health : Sébastien LetéliéLuc Sirois


odile piot-grosjeansanofi


Open-innovation at Sanofi : from R&D to drug, a hope for patients (FR)

Odile Piot-Grosjean – Directrice R&D

Luc Soler

Surgery and Computer Science : Inventing the Future (FR)

Luc Soler

Pierre Garner

Design and Selfcare : When patient meet empowerment (FR)

Pierre Garner

Malcolm Pradhan

Patients sans Frontières – The Future of AI and Deep Learning in Healthcare (EN)

Malcolm Pradhan


Lunch – Restaurant La Bourse (limited to 200 first subscribers)

laurence comte-arassusmedtronic


Partnership as a key to move towards value based healthcare (FR)

Laurence Comte Arassus – Vice President Medtronic France

Benoit Thieulin

Connected health, 2.0 or personalized (FR)

Benoit Thieulin

Charles Jaffe

The Future of Healthcare (EN)

Charles Jaffe


Empathy and data subjectivation (FR)

Remy Bourganel


Sébastien LetéliéLuc Sirois

Conclusion (EN)

Hacking Health : Sébastien LetéliéLuc Sirois

Apéro VIP – Hospices de Strasbourg (invitation required)

Startups Contest

Stimul is a high-touch intervention program delivered through our online platform that provides everybody with the capacity to build healthy lifestyle habits thanks to human coaching, personalization, tracking, pedagogical knowledge and flexibility.
Stimul is addressing companies (HR), insurances (Innovation) and Doctors who need to improve physical activity prescription observance.

Fondée dans les suites du Hacking Health Camp 2015, AquitHealth se concentre sur l’accompagnement et le développement de solutions numérique en santé.
Son premier produit, gagnant du prix « Best solution for clinicians » en 2015, Galien, est un logiciel multiplateforme de recherche des interactions médicamenteuses.
AquitHealth développe en parallèle d’autres projets, qui seront dévoilés courant 2016.

ViViDoctor is your live doctor in your pocket. It lets a patient to connect a doctor in real time immediately via a mobile device.



i-Nside Pro is the world’s first application that allows assisted diagnostic of eardrums pathology.
It uses Deep Learning Artificial Intelligence (coupled with a library of about 75000 eardrums pictures) to offer a diagnostic in few seconds.
Designed for NGO, medical deserts and nursing homes, i-Nside Pro assists caregivers who can take pictures with their smartphone.

Medeo crée des solutions de transfert des données générées par les outils de diagnostic et facilite leur visualisation en les intégrant dans les logiciels professionnels ainsi que sur des plateformes web.

Eye movement recording is a non-invasive tool that can provide early information for the diagnosis of neurodegenerative disorders. Therefore we develop a Smart EOG Eye Patch.

Eyeware’s vision is to connect people and computers. We leverage computer vision based head, face and eye tracking technology to offer solutions to problems in healthcare, research and robotics. Our first product, “Eyeware-Assist”, allows people with limited body mobility to control a standard computer using their head and face movements.

The Acute Stroke App on the line hand helps medical doctors to enclose stroke patients fast (“Time is brain”) into clinical trials and on the other hand offers some patients new treatments. It was developed at the University Hospital in Tübingen together with Medical Doctors from the Stroke Unit.

La mission de NANOVARE est d’introduire sur le marché un auto-test de fertilité masculine, qui laisse à l’usager le soin de choisir ses conditions de confort et d’intimité. Nous augmentons la précision et l’informativité de ce test d’environ 500%

Umanlife est une plateforme Web et Mobile de prévention qui permet à un individu / un salarié / un assuré / un patient de gérer et suivre, en toute sécurité, sa Santé et son Bien-être, grâce à son tableau de bord personnalisé.

Hacking Health StrasbourgHacking Health Camp – Conferences
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Café in Paris

With our upcoming workshop «Let’s get physical» we are inviting doctors, nurses, med-students, designers & developers to learn about basic electronic prototyping. With these skills you will be able to transform early ideas into tangible products. The workshop will be the first of many and is seen as a preparation to following hackathons.



Annie LamontagneCafé in Paris
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