Germany Berlin: Artificial Pancreas Meetup Germany Berlin: Artificial Pancreas Meetup

Berlin: Artificial Pancreas Meetup 2018

The Artificial Pancreas Meetup in Berlin was a full-day session for people with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, doctors, researchers, health care professionals, tech experts, and other curious minds interested in learning about the artificial pancreas or closed-loop insulin delivery system. In-depth knowledge on commercial and do-it-yourself (DIY) methods was shared throughout the event by experts in this field.


The Meetup started off with an introduction by Klemens Raile, M.D about the concept and the functionalities of an artificial pancreas. Dr. Katarina Braune, discussed findings from science on commercial and DIY artificial pancreas systems. A number of other presentations followed from experts on topics ranging from requirements for the Closed Loop, AndroidAPS, OpenAPS, iOS Loop and patients’ legal rights as a looper.


This Hacking Health Meetup was powered by #dedoc°, Charité – University Medicine Berlin Department of Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes, ThoughtWorks Berlin, Diabetes Life Hacks and the Nightscout Foundation. 

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Hacking Health BerlinBerlin: Artificial Pancreas Meetup