Germany Hackathon “EasterHack COVID-19” 2020 Germany Hackathon “EasterHack COVID-19” 2020

Hackathon “EasterHack COVID-19” 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the greatest public health challenges that humanity has faced in recent times. To contribute to the global effort of fighting this pandemic, Hacking Health Berlin organized an online Hackathon over the Easter long-weekend to join the global community’s fight against COVID-19. The objective was to find innovative solutions for the most pressing COVID-19 outbreak challenges. A total of 164 participants from 26 countries formed 20 teams and spent the weekend hacking from home. They were supported by 35 mentors who worked tirelessly to direct the formation of innovative healthcare ideas and helped teams turn their proposals into actionable solutions. 


The six challenges were based on the actual needs of leading clinicians and researchers from Charité University Hospital Berlin, the Berlin Institute of Health and the Diabetes Center Berne Switzerland. They included supporting and protecting high-risk populations; protecting medical staff from infection; building on open-source solutions (such as​ and ​​) to allow privacy-first contact tracing; improving intensive care while reducing long-term lung damage; and supporting mental health of patients and healthcare workers. Each team developed a prototype for their solution to solve one of the challenges. In the end, the teams produced 14 community-sourced tech solutions to meet the COVID-19-related needs of Germany’s leading clinicians and researchers.

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Hacking Health BerlinHackathon “EasterHack COVID-19” 2020