Germany Hacking Female Health Hackathon - 2018 Germany Hacking Female Health Hackathon - 2018

Hacking Female Health Hackathon – 2018

Hacking Health Berlin, in cooperation with Fraunhofer Venture and the Berlin Institute for Health (BIH) of the Charité University Hospital Berlin , organized a Hacking Female Health Hackathon with 100+ participants in November 2018. The goal of the 48-hour Hackathon was to create and implement concrete solutions for patient-oriented treatment options in healthcare for girls and women. Five different challenges were selected  for the Hackathon including breast cancer, infections of the female reproductive organs and urinary tract, endometriosis, female mental health and incontinence. Innovations in these and other areas can be developed to detect conditions early and accurately, support medical professionals to provide better care and improve health outcomes.


Participants (including doctors, patients, medical professionals, scientists, engineers, designers, software developers and business experts) formed interdisciplinary teams to convert their ideas into prototypes for medical devices and apps. The teams were supported throughout the entire process  by professional mentors with an extensive variety of expertise from different fields as well as design thinking experts that guided the design and development process.


At the closing public conference “Digital Health Brunch”, leading experts from different healthcare related fields discussed the current status, barrieres and potentials of innovation in the field of female healthcare.

Introduced by keynotes from Prof. Dr. Sabine Oertelt-Prigione, Professor of sex- and gender-sensitive medicine, Radboud University and  Isabell Vezina, Managing Director of Hacking Health Global emphasizing the importance of innovation in healthcare the teams presented their solutions they’ve been intensively working on for the past 48 hours ranging from hardware prototypes for bacterial infections and incontinence to apps and AI solutions against postpartum mental health.

The top three teams received cash prizes totalling €6,000. In addition, five teams were given the unique opportunity to participate in the Fraunhofer and the Hasso-Plattner-Institute accelerator programs to further develop their ideas and prototypes until they are ready for market access.

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Hacking Health BerlinHacking Female Health Hackathon