Germany "Let’s Get Physical" Workshop 2014 Germany "Let’s Get Physical" Workshop 2014

“Let’s Get Physical” Workshop

The Let’s Get Physical – Rapid Prototyping Workshop brought together doctors, nurses, medical students, designers and developers to learn about basic electronic prototyping. The one-day event provided the 35 participants with basic knowledge and skills in the field of electronics and prototyping. Thanks to the help of numerous tutors and learning pathways, all participants were able to transform early ideas into tangible products with their new skills.


The workshop started with a show and tell session from startups with self-build prototypes and an introduction to basic concepts of electronic prototyping. Participants were also given the option to choose from the following three topics to work on: 

  1. building a simple prototype to measure the oxygen levels in the blood, 
  2. building your own angle measurement tool (prevention and rehab tool), or 
  3. building a device that can read emotions and facial expressions.


The interactive introduction to the topic Electronics & Arduino was initiated by Stefan Hermann, lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and author of the book Learning Arduino. Stefan taught the participants the most important basics for independent work with electronic components. At the end of the workshop, all participants were able to use electronic components to measure, evaluate and visualize a large number of vital data.

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Hacking Health Berlin‘Let’s Get Physical’ Workshop