Easter Hackathon 2020

10. – 13. April 2020


EasterHack LIVE! – Pitches and Awards Ceremony

Short Description

In the heat of battle, heroes emerge, sometimes from the most unlikely of sources – Brian Herbert

The Covid-19 pandemic is one of the greatest public health challenges that humanity has faced in recent times. However, amidst this chaos a beacon of hope has been the unprecedented effort of cooperation and solidarity across the world to fight this virus. 

In partnership with the Charité University Hospital Berlin, the Berlin Institute of Health and Data Natives Hacking Health Berlin are organizing an online hackathon to join the global community’s fight against Covid-19.

The “EasterHack” will run from Friday 10th April at 5pm to Monday 13th at 3pm.

The hackathon is open to healthcare professionals, scientists, patients, entrepreneurs, engineers, designers, developers and anyone interested in working on solutions to problems. You can choose to contribute as a participant or as a mentor. 

Project Objectives

The objective is to find innovative solutions for the most pressing Covid-19 outbreak challenges.

The challenges are all based on the needs of leading clinicians and researchers from the Charité University Hospital Berlin, the Berlin Institute of Health and the Diabetes Center Berne, Switzerland.

Clinicians and experts fighting at the forefront  at the Charité University Hospital Berlin will be joining as mentors to support the teams in the development of the solutions.

Together with the global, interdisciplinary communities of Hacking Health and Data Natives you will have the opportunity to work for 3 entire days to develop meaningful solutions.

So we request any of you who has an idea, a skill, a wish to help, to join forces with us and contribute in any small way you can in our joint fight against Covid-19.



16:30 Registration Opens

18:00 Opening ceremony

21:00 Hacking starts


00:00 Midnight Snack

08:00 Breakfast

09:00 Coaching and Mentoring starts

12:30 Lunch

14:00 Yoga session with Janina of Miamed

15:15 Yoga session with Janina of Miamed

17:30 Wrap Up day 2

18:00 Dinner


00:00 Midnight Snack

07:00 Breakfast

08:00 Pitch Clinic opens by Bianca Praetorius

12:30 Lunch

13:30 Submission Deadline

14:30 Final Presentations

18:30 After Hour Drinks


Challenge 1: Protect the high risk population

  • How can we better support medical needs of the high risk population (e.g. people with pre-existing conditions such as cancer, diabetes, immunodeficiency)?
  • How can we identify high risk patients and isolate them from the general population?
  • How can we support high risk patients with preventive ambulatory treatment?
  • How can we deliver care for people with chronic health conditions during a pandemic?

Challenge 2: Protect healthcare workers

  • How can we better prevent medical staff from getting infected with Coronavirus in healthcare facilities?

Challenge 3: Privacy-first contact tracing and digital epidemiology

  • What can we build on top of open-source solutions (such as CoEpi.org and COVID-watch.org) to allow users to opt-in to disclose anonymous non-reidentifiable information that public health officials would find useful?
  • How can we authenticate positive COVID-19 tests as authentic without requiring public health authorities to do extra work to authenticate them for us?
  • How can we collect more information on BLE-proximity contact event duration and distance to inform risk scores?
  • How could we automate the provisional diagnosis of COVID-19 based solely on self-reported symptoms and self-collected data? Could this be done as some sort of telehealth service that would allow us to avoid full FDA regulation as a Class III medical device?

Challenge 4: Improve Intensive Care

  • How can mechanical ventilation be improved to reduce long term damage on the lungs?
  • How to ease prone positioning in ventilated patients?
  • How to reduce the formation of aerosols?
  • Patients on the Intensive care unit (ICU) are often agitated & hyperactive, how to visually monitor those patients to prevent them e.g. extubating or hurting themselves?
  • How to give confused ICU patients orientation in room, time & situation?
  • How to make the ICU a more natural place like simulating day & night time?

Challenge 5: Protect our mental health

  • How can we support healthcare workers in dealing with stress and trauma that they experience during a pandemic?
  • How to identify when you’re starting to get depressed / your parents, children or friends are starting to get depressed?
  • How can we predict critical mental states through early detection? What kind of data or information could be used?

Challenge 6: Your idea!

  • Find a novel solution for a challenge that has not been listed here



Are you an expert medical doctor, data scientist, designer, developer, life scientist or programmer? Or perhaps you have business savvy, pitching prowess, or insider knowledge of the healthcare industry? If so, we’d love to have you on board as a mentor. You will help teams refine their ideas and give pitches to remember.

Hacking Health BerlinEaster Hackathon 2020