8-9-10 February 2019

Innovation Center – Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry


The inaugural Hacking Health Athens Hackathon will be held in downtown Athens on February 8, 9 &  10, 2019 and is organised by eHealth Forum and Biomimicry Greece Research & Innovation.

Co-organisers: Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry, GFOSS – Open Technologies Alliance, and Athens Startup Business Incubator (ThEA).

Supporters: HL7 Foundation Europe & Trillium II, Health Level 7 International, HL7 Hellas, Hellenic Society of eHealth Services & Education, European Federation for Medical Informatics (EFMI), FORTH-ICS, CERTH & Information Technologies Institute, Biomedical Engineering Laboratory – NTUA, Computer Science Department-University of Crete, Hellenic Health Informatics Association (ESPY) and CEN-Health Informatics.

Under the auspices of the Department of Hygiene, Epidemiology & Medical Statistics, Medical School, University of Athens.

Hackathon starting point is the electronic Health record and International Patient Summary (IPS).

Hackathon participants will be looking for innovative solutions for fostering HEALTH DATA AND MOBILITY.

We invite healthcare professionals, scientists, patients, entrepreneurs, engineers, designers, developers, and others interested to team up for a long weekend and propel innovation in healthcare.


Subject: the electronic Health Record and International Patient Summary (IPS).

A Patient Summary is a standardized set of basic medical data that includes the most important clinical facts required to ensure safe and secure healthcare. This summarized version of the patient’s medical data gives health professionals the essential information they need to provide care in the case of an unexpected or unscheduled medical situation (e.g. emergency or accident). Though this data is mainly intended to aid health professionals in providing unscheduled care, it can also be used to provide planned medical care (e.g. in the case of citizen movements or cross-organizational care paths).


We will use Trillium-II, that builds on the strength of the EU/US MoU on collaboration in eHealth/ Health Information Technology to realize its key recommendation that we share, i.e. “Advance an International Patient Summary standard to enable people to access and share their health information for emergency or unplanned care anywhere and as needed starting with immunizations, allergies, medications, clinical problems, past operations and implants”. For more information: https://trillium2.eu/

Some ideas on the Hackathon challenge:

  1. Illustration (user experience) of the information on the IPS for different users (medical doctors, nurses, patients, institutions…)
  2. Expansion of IPS and enhanced utilization for different use scenarios (chronic diseases e.g. diabetes, oncology patients, rheumatoid arthritis patients, pain management, opioid use …)
  3. Decision support system for health professionals (e.g. contra-indications on co-administration of drugs)
  4. Develop apps with inside IPS for people with specific health profiles: Frailty, Diabetes, Hypertension
  5. Develop apps with IPS inside for specific age groups: elderly, health conscious, children, expecting mothers, etc.
  6. …other, give us your input!


Open-source software (GFOSS)

Trillium-II resources4-7, Webinar week of Jan 28.

The International Patient Summary Standards8,9




  1. International Patient Summary Implementation Guide, http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/ips/2018Sep/index.html
  2. International Patient Summary, http://international-patient-summary.net/mediawiki/index.php?title=Main_Page
  3. Draft European standard 17269 ‘The Patient Summary for Unplanned, Cross-border Care’ approved, http://www.ehealth-standards.eu/draft-european-standard-17269-the-patient-summary-for-unplanned-cross-border-care-approved/
  4. Trillium II, https://trillium2.eu/
  5. Trillium-II Server of sample IPS resources offered by SRDC: http://app.srdc.com.tr/fhir/stu3
  6. Trillium II – Using the international patient summary in a disaster situation, https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/news/trillium-ii-using-international-patient-summary-disaster-situation
  7. EU-MODEX-Ro Civil protection exercise, https://trillium2.eu/news-and-events/eu-modex-ro-civil-protection-exercise/
  8. CEN/TC 251 Health Informatics, http://www.ehealth-standards.eu/
  9. The International Patient Summary Standards, http://www.ehealth-standards.eu/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/CEN-and-HL7-Patient-Summary-Standards_Article.pdf
  10. International Patient Summary: Policy, deployment, competencies and standards, https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/news/international-patient-summary-policy-deployment-competencies-and-standards
  11. CEN IPS standards: i) European Standard (EN) for the Patient summary, ii) Draft European technical specification 17288 ‘The International Patient Summary: Guidance for European Implementation
  12. Other useful Tools for Hackathon participants: Download pdf file



Hacking Health Athens: Focus on Tools – Trillium-II Patient Summary Webinar: Watch the video




Anyone interested in IPS, from universities and communities to end users (health professionals & patients).


Definition: An International Patient Summary (IPS) is an electronic health record extract containing essential healthcare information intended for use in the unscheduled, cross-border care scenario, comprising at least the required elements of the IPS dataset. The IPS dataset is a minimal and non-exhaustive patient summary dataset, specialty-agnostic, condition-independent, but readily usable by clinicians for the cross-border unscheduled care of a patient.


To get the wheels in motion for the development of your pitch and/or to find potential team members, join us on the Hacking Health Athens Hackathon 2019 Sparkboard with as much information as possible about your innovation. This includes general project information, pictures, your call to arms, as well as discussion points.

In the meantime, keep up to date with our activities, meet potential teammates and brainstorm in advance on the Hacking Health Athens Hackathon 2019 Sparkboard. We can’t wait to hear your ideas!


Lina Nikolopoulou
eHealth Forum

Kleopatra Alamantariotou
Biomimicry Greece Research & Innovation

Charis Lambropoulos, Athens Chamber of Commerce & Industry (ACCI)

Theodoros Karounos, Open Source Software Society (GFOSS)

Nikos Vassilakis, Open Source Software Society (GFOSS)

George Dafoulas, MD, Clinical Research Fellow, School of Medicine University of Athens

Harris Karanikas, Hellenic Society of eHealth Services and Education (ΕΕΜΕPΥ)

Alexander Berler, HL7 Hellas

Catherine Chronaki, HL7 Foundation Europe; European Federation for Medical Informatics (EFMI)


18.00 Registration opens
19.00 Welcome addresses
Lina Nikolopoulou, Kleopatra Alamantariotou, & Nicolas Piperno, Organisers
Ioannis Bratakos, Vice-president, Athens Chamber of Commerce & Industry – ACCI
Haris Lambropoulos, Assistant Professor of HR Economics at University of Patras; Member of the Board of Directors, ACCI
Theodoros Karounos, Vice-President, BoD Open Source Software Society – GFOSS

19.30 Keynotes introducing challenges
Catherine Chronaki, Secretary General at HL7 Foundation Europe; European Federation for Medical Informatics (EFMI): International Patient Summary: Standards for Ιnnovation
Konstantinos Votis, Researcher Grade C & Director of Visual Analytics Lab at CERTH/ITI: The Digital Patient: The Future of Mobile Health for Chronic diseases Patients
Dimitrios G. Katehakis, Head of Center for eHealth Applications and Services at FORTH, Institute of Computer Science: Digital challenges for a healthier society

20.00 2 min Pitches
20:30 Networking Cocktail

9.00 Registration & Welcome coffee
9.30 Presentation of Hackathon procedure – Identifying needed resources
9.45 Pitches – Team formation & hacking starts
11.00 Work in teams
20.00 End of day 1

08.30 Welcome coffee
09.00 Announcement about final presentation submission – Brief Update work on progress with teams
10.00 Work in progress & Practice pitching
14.00 Final Presentations and Judging (4 minute Presentation)
16.00 Awards Ceremony / Sponsor Recognition
17.00 Event ends


eHealth Forum and Biomimicry Greece Research & Innovation introduce HACKING HEALTH to Greece in collaboration with the following organisations:

Promoting digital health integration for equal access and a sustainable future.

 The eHealth Forum is on a mission to involve all stakeholders but also the public, and build a community that will learn and engage with digital technology inclusion in health and medicine.

Biomimicry Greece Research and Innovation center mimic nature models, systems and strategies for the purpose of solving human problems.


ACCI promotes entrepreneurship, technological development and innovation.

GFOSS main goal is to promote Openness through the use and the development of Open Standards and Open Technologies in Education, Public Administration and Business in Greece.

Athens Startup Business Incubator – Th.E.A. is an initiative of ACCI for the promotion of entrepreneurship. It supports innovative new business ideas with a strong extroversion potential.







    Hacking Health AthensHackathon Athens 2019